• DSC_0060
    Tips for parents
    To determine the presence of contraindications, the doctor at Tibbiyot Dunyosi Vaccination Center will examine each child. This is mandatory before inoculation. Ask your doctor about all possible side reactions that can occur after vaccination, and find out what to do in case they appear.
  • DSC_0080
    Preparation for vaccination
    Before being vaccinated, patients should receive medical advice. A careful examination is made, the patient is asked questions and information is gathered about temperature and other important parameters. Tell your doctor the purpose of vaccination. Say if it is for the vaccination calendar, emergency vaccination or a seasonal vaccination. State the details of your child’s health condition for the preceeding two weeks. During this period there should not have been any acute manifestations or exacerbation of chronic disease. Be sure to tell the doctor about the date of the last vaccination. It should be borne in mind in advance that the gap between the administration of the two vaccinations should be at least 30 days.
  • Центр вакцинации Tibbiyot Dunyosi2
    (O`zbekcha) Эмлаш маркази
    (O`zbekcha) Замонавий тиббиёт ютуқлари шарофати билан, бугунги кунда биз дахшатли ва ўлим хавфини солувчи касалликларнинг, унча узоқ бўлмаган ўтмишда кўп инсонлар саломатлигига путр етказган ва хатто уларни ҳаётидан маҳрум этган эпидемияларнинг олдини олишга қодирмиз. Режали ёки мавсумий вакциналашдан ўтиш, бу ўзини ва ўз оиласини юқумли касалликлардан тежамкорона равишда, самарали ва ишончли даражада ҳимоя қилиш демакдир.