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(Русский) Медицинский центр «TIBBIYOT DUNYOSI» предлагает услуги по тестированию на COVID-19. Исследования проводятся методами ПЦР, ИХЛА, ИФА, а [...]
To determine the presence of contraindications, the doctor at Tibbiyot Dunyosi Vaccination Center will examine each child. This is mandatory [...]
The Tibbiyot Dunyosi Medical Center Clinical diagnostic laboratory is equipped with central sterilization departments. Staff of the Centre only [...]
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech expert class medical equipment from leading manufacturers. Thanks to modern equipment and [...]
Among the many assets of the Tibbiyot Dunyosi Center are two new production units of FIBROSCAN from our partners in France. The painless and safe [...]
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