
The human nervous system is an extremely complex and delicate device and therefore disease related problems of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system should be treated with special attention.Diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system are treated by a neurologist, a visit to whom cannot be postponed when even the slightest signs of abnormality are noticed. Typically, patients visit a neurologist with advanced symtoms of disease such as Stroke, epilepsy, audio/visual impairment and hypertension – a disease that evolves over time. Surely, the emergence of these diseases was preceded by alarming symptoms that the patient chose to ignore. A timely visit to a specialist can prevent the disease if it is diagnosed and treatment can be started as soon as possible.

We urge you to take responsibility for your own health and not take lightly the various manifestations or symptoms of dangerous diseases.Nowadays diagnosis is carried out at a high level. Alarmingly, the incidence of stroke, which often leads to permanent disability among both old and young people is increasing. This is a danger signal that should make you think seriously about your health and the health of your family. Even banal  migraine and frequent dizziness are good reasons for a visit to the doctor. Only a doctor can determine the cause and prevent the development of disease.

Reduced memory and concentration, sleep disorders, degeneration of receptor sensitivity, tinnitus, jumps of arterial pressure, hypotension or hypertension, chronic headaches, high fatigue and chronic fatigue are an incomplete list of symptoms. The presence of only one of these symtoms makes it a necessity to consult a neuropathologist.This doctor will consult, conduct diagnostic procedures and deliver the necessary tests to help you avoid a serious deterioration in health.

The cost of consulting a neurologist in our clinic is 40,000 soums.
Price list for neurologist services at TD-Service Medical Center.
Price list for all services of TD-Service Medical Center 


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