Frequently Asked Questions
How do you prepare your child for vaccination?
There are no special measures to be carried out before the vaccination of a healthy child. New foods should not be introduced to the child and intake of foods which may cause an allergic reaction should be limited. Do not give the child new medication that is not prescribed by your doctor and avoid hypothermia, overheating and contact with infected patients. For more information about how to properly prepare and painlessly “go through” vaccination, see the section Preparing for vaccination and Tips for parents .
Can a child be vaccinated so that he does not get sick?
Unfortunately, vaccines that provide an absolute guarantee of safety from infection do not exist. But the effect of the vaccine guarantees that the chance of vaccinated children contracting the disease is extremely low. Even if that happens, the disease will occur mildly and there will not be dangerous complications. So do not give up on vaccinations only on the basis of the lack of a 100% guarantee.
Maybe it’s better to contract the illness and gain lifelong immunity than to be vaccinated and receive artificial immunity created after the vaccination?
Acquired immunity is naturally produced as a result of the transfer of serious infectious diseases. This is a dubious bonus against serious complications from the disease. With polio, paralysis may develop. Haemophilus influenzae infections lead to mental disability, hepatitis B is dangerous and can cause severe liver disease that ends in liver failure. Chickenpox can cause deafness and pneumonia while vaccination causes minimal discomfort that goes away without any complications.
What are the possible reactions a child can have after vaccination?
In the first 24 hours after vaccination at the site of administration of the vaccine, there may be redness, swelling and tenderness. There may also be fever, discomfort, malaise, loss of appetite, restless sleep, tearfulness and moodiness. The duration of these reactions is not for more than three days. The manifestation of these symptoms after vaccination for measles, mumps and rubella is possible for a period of 5 to 14 days after vaccination. Usually mild illness requires treatment by the doctor.
In some cases, do you need to call an ambulance after vaccination?
Be sure to consult the child’s doctor or call an ambulance if the child has a high fever that cannot be brought down by a fever reducer. Loss of consciousness, restless behavior, refusal to eat and drink and the appearance of purulent abscess at the site of inoculation also serve as the basis for seeking medical attention.
We have to do a so-called combined vaccine. What does this mean?
The combination vaccine includes an integrated simultaneous protection of the child from several infections. This minimizes the number of injections that may be painful for the baby. Furthermore, combination vaccines save time and money because the number of vaccinations is reduced and consequently the number of visits to a medical facility.
We want to do the planned vaccinations for our child in your vaccination center. What documents are required?
When conducting any kind of vaccination, routine, seasonal or epidemiological, the medical history of the child must be produced. This history is at the community clinic.
What should we do to prepare the child for DPT? What tests does the child undergo and what doctors must we consult with?
On the eve of the first DPT vaccination it is necessary to consult the child’s pediatric neurologist and show him the pre-made tests on the child’s urine and blood. If the expert rules out possible medical contraindications on the basis of these analyses, he will give permission for the vaccination.
A healthy baby does not need any special preparation before re-vaccination with DPT except for a medical examination immediately prior to the vaccination. Children having a medical record at any specialized clinic must obtain advice from the respective relevant specialist.
Our doctor refused to issue permission for vaccination for a period of six months. In some cases is vaccination contraindicated?
The pediatrician or relevant specialist, that is supervising your child may not give permission for a vaccination for one or a number of reasons. Among the possible arguments against vaccination are, fever, severe reaction to previous vaccinations, allergic reactions, taking a child medication with which a vaccination is not compatible, the presence of seizures, diseases of the immune system, the treatment of the child is incompatible with vaccination and other reasons. If you have received a refusal from the doctor to issue a permit for vaccination, consult a doctor after the date that the refusal expires about the resumption of vaccination.
On what plan is child vaccination carried out?
A child first receives a vaccination after birth in the hospital. Further vaccination takes place according to a specially developed schedule routine vaccination in the National Immunization Program of the Uzbek population. For the dates and timing of the vaccinations, you can check with your doctor. It is recommended to carefully follow the deadlines since each vaccine optimally corresponds to a certain age of the child. But remember it is never too late to be vaccinated and it is necessary for the safety of toddlers. Even in the case where the age of the child does not meet the terms of immunization, contact your doctor immediately and begin or resume the interrupted process of vaccination in order to avoid irreparable health problems.
Many parents today deliberately refuse vaccination, arguing that vaccination reduces the immunity of the child, and the doctors themselves do not have their children vaccinated. Is this true?
The immune system protects newborn infants from most of the bacteria that surrounds them at birth – but not all. Vaccines help your child to develop an effective defense against disease, against which natural immunity that we receive at birth is powerless. Vaccinations that children receive in the first two years of life, becomes a kind of stepping stone for future health. Vaccines cannot weaken the immune system of a child because they develop protection against viruses and bacteria.
Every doctor knows the peculiarities of the human immune system.Therefore for the sake of their health and safety, they will never give up vaccination of their children.