Hepatitis B


Today, viral hepatitis B has gone beyond an “occupational disease” of people suffering from drug addiction and the intravenous use of narcotic drugs with shared needles.The degree of infectivity of hepatitis B virus is extremely high, and preventative measures are not always used properly. The cause of infection could be unprotected sex, blood transfusion from an infected donor, the use of non-sterile medical instruments in dental offices, the use of needles and syringes for injections and so forth. So-called “domestic” methods of infection are also common and one can be infected with the virus because of non-compliance with the elementary rules of hygiene. Unsterile instruments used for piercings, manicures and other beauty treatments as well as toothbrushes and razors can be causes of infection. People often underestimate the danger of the disease, suggesting that lifelong immunity after undergoing the disease is a good reason for abandoning vaccination. However, a major percentage of patients who recover from hepatitis B become chronic carriers of the infection, potentially dangerous to others.There is a high mortality among sufferers of acute or chronic forms of hepatitis B, but the disease can be prevented through safe vaccine that is effective for many years. This vaccine protects them and their families from the deadly danger.

It is advisable for patients aged 13-35 years old who have not been previously vaccinated to do so. Persons at risk such as the relatives of patients with chronic hepatitis B, medical staff working with blood products, medical students, patients on hemodialysis, patients who receive frequent blood and others are also advised to be vaccinated.

Vaccination against hepatitis B is included in thenational calendar of preventive vaccinations in Uzbekistan . It effectively helps fight common diseases carrying severe economic and social losses and resulting in disability and even death of patients. Vaccination against hepatitis B virus is carried out repeatedly, for the newborn on the first day of life and at the age of two, three and four months.

The Immuno-C Vaccination Centers use Enzheriks-in vaccine that does not contain preservatives, thus minimizing the risk of complications.

HBV vaccination scheme according to the national immunization schedule: 

1 day

HBV – Vaccination against hepatitis B virus

2 months

HBV-2 – Vaccination against hepatitis B virus

3 months

HBV 3 – Vaccination against hepatitis B virus

4 months

HBV-4 – Vaccination against hepatitis B virus

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