

Polio is a a disease that has serious complications including paralysis for life or death in childhood.Today, there is a widespread but erroneous misconception that in the developed world the disease has been defeated. Many countries have abolished the vaccination against polio for our children and believe that the disease is also safe. Unfortunately, after a long lull, polio outbreaks were recorded in the neighboring countries of Uzbekistan,Tajikistan and Russia. Migration played an important role in this and therefore we should not treat vaccination lightly. Vaccination is the only means of protection against the disease.  

 Polio is highly contagious and to be infected with polio takes only contact with a carrier of the virus which is transmitted through touch and is also airborne.At risk are children up to 7 years of age. Once it gets into the organism, the virus attacks the central nervous system where paresis or paralysis can develop. In its more severe forms, the disease may infect the respiratory system which inevitably leads to death.

The probability of contracting the disease from complications with the vaccine is only 0.00004%.

Polio vaccination, as a rule, does not cause adverse reactions.However, there are a number of contraindications for certain patient populations. These include neurological complications or allergic reactions that have been observed since the last vaccination in children with primary or secondary immunodeficiencies and in patients with acute infectious diseases. In such patients, the temperature rises to over 37°C in the presence of allergy to components of the vaccine.

Before the vaccination, a physician should be consulted, or in the case of a child,a pediatrician at our medical center. Carefully study  Tips for parents  and guidance on  preparing to vaccinate , as well as the section  Frequently Asked Questions , where you will find answers to your concerns.

If the child is breastfed, giving the vaccination is recommended 2 hours before feeding or 2 hours after feeding.

After the polio vaccination there may be some side effects such as allergies, fever or intermittent diarrhea. However, connection of these side effects with the use of the vaccine has not been proven.The above reactions are not dangerous for the child and do not require specialized treatment. In the Immuno-C Vaccination Center, oral suspension PolioSabin ™ vaccine is used. Scheduled vaccination is approved in accordance with the national immunization schedule, which must be observed.

Vaccination against polio according to the national immunization schedule: 

2-5 hours

OPV-0 – Vaccination against polio

2 months

OPV-1 – Vaccination against polio

3 months

OPV-2 – Vaccination against polio

4 months

OPV-3 – Vaccination against polio

16 months

OPV-4 – Vaccination against polio

7 years

OPV-5 – Vaccination against polio


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