Yellow fever


Vaccination against the exotic disease of yellow fever must be done by all travelers, (business and tourist), who are going to visit a tropical country.Vaccination against yellow fever is a so-called “Vaccine for the traveler,” and its main task is to protect people from health problems when they are away from home.

Vaccination is obligatory for those who travel to states where the disease is endemic such as in South America, Central, Western, Southern and Eastern Africa and territories which are located in the area of ​​tropical rain forests.After the rainy season the population of mosquitoes increases and mosquitoes are the main carriers of the disease. Therefore, a surge in the disease brought from the tropical areas of yellow fever is repeatedly registered in the US and Europe. And, because the disease is subject to quarantine, countries are obliged to inform the WHO of outbreaks or individual cases.

In the case of refusal of vaccination exit will be forbidden (for natives).What is so dangerous about this disease?  

Mortality in yellow fever is 10% -40%.This is an extremely dangerous viral disease that occurs as a result of the failure of the internal organs – kidneys, liver, spleen and bone marrow. Hemorrhaging and bleeding in various organs and tissues occur. The disease runs hard against the background of a high temperature, bleeding gums, vomiting, nasal bleeding and painful enlargement of the liver and spleen.  

Because a mosquito bite or unprotected contact with a carrier of the infection can spread the disease, no one is immune. It is advisable to be vaccinated against yellow fever.The vaccine is produced in Russia and is administered once under the shoulder blade, up to 10 days before traveling. Within 10 days the vaccine produces immunity that persists for 10-15 years.

For yellow fever vaccination of children and adolescents, a special schedule must be followed so that the vaccination does not interfere with other vaccinations. Typically, vaccination is well tolerated but in some cases, there is a possibility of redness and swelling at the injection site, which may occur spontaneously after 2-3 days.There are such manifestations as itching, pain at the injection site, malaise, fever up to 38.5oC, chills and headache. These are not dangerous reactions and pass within 3 days.

Before you get vaccinated against yellow fever, consult a doctor at the Vaccination Centre and learn about the possible contraindications and adverse reactions.

The Immuno-C Vaccination Centers for vaccination of adults and children against yellow fever, use yellow fever live vaccine made in Russia.


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