
A special place in the heart of Tibbiyot Dunyosi Medical Center is occupied by the clinical diagnostic laboratory. It is equipped according to European standards, in accordance with WHO recommendations. It is a unique research center of advanced technology laboratory medicine of which we are rightly proud.

Here, are modern automatic analyzers of the latest generation from the world leaders in the field of Laboratory Instrumentation (ROCHE diagnostics, Sysmex, Hitachi, Human, Qiagen) This equipment gives expert results with an accuracy of 99.9% and avoids the errors associated with manual manipulation.

The main principle of the laboratory is delivering a high quality of research and immediate delivery of the results. The equipment is serviced by an * LIS program, assigning the patient a bar code when registering. Total confidentiality of information is assured and the system is able to send analysis results to the place of sampling electronically. Using the barcode LIS program also eliminates the possibility of errors due to human factors.

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Отзывы пациентов

  • 22 April, 2015,
    Делали исследование на аппарате Фиброскан. Удалось обнаружить болезнь в самой начальной стадии. Теперь приступаем к лечению, надеемся на благополучный исход.
  • 22 April, 2015,
    Центр Вакцинации
    Доброго дня! Делали прививку АКДС в вашем Центре вакцинации, все три (пока) прививки перенесли легко и без осложнений. Наш врач рекомендовал делать плановые и другие необходимые прививки именно у вас, и был абсолютно прав.
  • 17 April, 2015,
    Благодарю врачей Медцентра за внимание и заботу!
    Благодарю врачей Медцентра за внимание и заботу!
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