Equipment and Reagents
The laboratory is equipped with high-tech expert class medical equipment from leading manufacturers. Thanks to modern equipment and fully-automated processes, we can guarantee our patients the most accurate research results without errors.
Spectrophotometer Reflotron plus and COBAS C 111 from Roche Diagnostics GmbH (Germany) and Hitachi High Technologies (Japan) have a capacity up to 100 tests per hour with a wide range of studies designed for biochemical research.
Automatic chemiluminescent analyzer Cobas e-411 is produced by Roche Diagnostics GmbH (Germany) and Hitachi High Technologies (Japan) for immunochemical studies. The quality and speed of execution and a wide range of research – more than 70 tests – allows the test in 18 minutes. Designed to determine thyroid hormones, adrenal, reproductive system, pituitary, diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome, bone metabolism markers and osteoporosis tumor markers.
Automatic analyzer Sysmex XS-1000 and Poch-100 i Sysmex made in Japan are designed to study the general analysis of blood and provide a 24 parameter count of eosinophils, basophils, and a complete blood count. In addition there are 20 options for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of blood cells. Performance of both hematology analyzers is 120 tests per hour.
ESR Analyzer Human produced in Germany is used to diagnose the hemostatic system, inflammation, assessing the effectiveness of treatment and determination of ESR in 15 minutes.
Semi-automatic Human analyzer is produced in Germany and is designed for rapid determination of fibrinogen, prothrombin, PTI, thrombin time and INR.
Express urine analyzer Cobas-U 411 Roche is produced by Roche Diagnostics GmbH (Germany) and Hitachi High Technologies (Japan) and used to determine the 10 main indicators of urine and is a clinically proven reference technology for quick and easy identification of the indicators of urine.
Semi immuno-enzymatic ELISA analyzers Humareader HS, Combiwash from the Human company (Germany) is used in ELISA to diagnose HIV, TORCH infections, hepatic complex, giardiasis and ascariasis.
Complex automated microscopy with the Parasitology software module PARAS, is the procedure for a comprehensive survey on helminth infections and protozoa using automated microscopy and advanced technologies.
The Thermocycler 6 plex QIAGENE Q ( fromGermany) is used to carry out a set of PCR (polymerase chain reaction technology) for Real Time diagnosis of viral hepatitis (B, C, D), the diagnosis of STIs: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, herpes virus infection, human papillomavirus which has a high carcinogenic risk, and others.
The semi-automatic coagulometer HumaClot Junior Human firms (from Germany) is used to study the hemostatic system in the diagnosis of various pathological conditions.